Tuesday, August 16, 2011

someting old, something new

Decided it was time for a change.  To mark this event, here are some ideas conceived a while back from three heads--Randall, Rob and I.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I'm seriously missing my camera as it's 165 miles north being repaired.  To remedy my withdrawal I have been going back through photos from the past few months.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Ladies

Well, it's into a new apartment for me again this year, and this time my ladies are coming with me.  Claire, Marlene and me.  My dad took this portrait of the three of us to remember the dashing red heads that bid him goodnight every climb up the stairs to bed.  My parents have enjoyed them but I'm happy to have them join me at a new apartment for the beginning of a new school year.  They're going to look great on my red walls :)